Cărţi poştale trimise: 2
Cărţi poştale primite: 0
Cărţi poştale în progres: 0
Stele primite: 5.00
Ţara: Turcia
Membru din: 30 Iunie 2024
Ultima activitate: 29 Octombrie 2024
Hello World, Merhaba! Peace to all from Türkiye
I'm Cansu, I work as a teacher in a village school. I love sending/receiving postcards, writing letters, making collages and happy mails.Traveling is my passion. I have been 21 countries so far. I love odd and little details of my life. I enjoy absurdly imperfection of it. I'm into ART ❤️ and love visiting art galleries and discover other's world in it.